Robin Mazumder

Robin MazumderProfile Photo

Robin Mazumder is an award winning urban neuroscientist with a keen interest in understanding how living in cities impacts well-being. His PhD research, funded by the Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship, used wearable technology in real and immersive virtual reality settings to examine psychological and physiological responses to the urban built environment. His research interests are informed by his clinical experience working as mental health occupational therapist in the urban cores of Canadian cities. Working with individuals with mental illnesses in urban environments provoked curiosity into how different settings, from busy streets to parks, inhibited or supported wellbeing. In addition to his research, Robin is an outspoken advocate for urban design that supports wellbeing, and has given more than 30 keynotes internationally on the topic. He is also passionate about science communication and has been interviewed by and written for major media publications, including the BBC, CBC, Huffington Post and Wired Magazine.

April 7, 2021

Episode 9: Community Architecture

Why is that some of the world's most bustling and densely-populated cities are often the loneliest? In "Community Architecture," hosts Jeremy and Judy explore this paradox and discover that metropolises around the world were…